We are pleased to announce that the ICoLA 2019 will offer travel grants to overseas presenters in recognition of their
outstanding research achievements in the field of Lipid and Atherosclerosis.
Who can apply?
- Overseas Participants
- Presenters who submit abstract(s) to ICoLA 2019
- Presenters who are young investigators (under 45ysears old)
- Apply for travel grant by submitting an abstracts online.
- ICoLA 2019 scientific committee will review abstracts and select travel grant winners
- Notify to travel grant winners by email
Travel grant Benefits
Additional Benefits
The Americas / Europe / Oceania
Two nights of accommodation, 50% refund of registration fee
Southeast Asia
Two nights of accommodation, 50% refund of registration fee
China / Japan
Two nights of accommodation, 50% refund of registration fee
[Go to apply for Travel Grant (Abstract Submission)]
If you have any question for travel grant, please contact us via e-mail(secretariat@icola.org).
Thank you.