Presentation Length
10 minutes (Presentation for 7 mins. and Q&A for 3 mins.)
※ Each individual presenter should take no more than 10 minutes to present. Slide show will be ended after the designated time passed.
The presentation should be in English, which is the official language of the ICoLA 2019.
Disclosure / Copyrights
Authors will be required to disclose any potential conflicts of interests including affiliations with sponsoring companies within the body of their abstract. Disclosures will be included in the congress abstract book on USB and in other printed materials.
By submitting the abstracts, all authors should submit information in an abstract that has previously been presented and/or published, all data must be updated, current, and rewritten in a manner that does not infringe on copyright laws.
Preview Room
The preview room will be equipped with PCs which have identical configurations to the ones in the session rooms so that the presenting authors can upload and review the presentation files ahead of their session.
- - Hours of Operation
Thursday, September 5 |
13:00-19:00 |
Friday, September 6 - Saturday, September 7 |
07:00-18:00 |
- Place: Studio 4 (6F)
Presentation File Submission
Please note that all presenters must stop by the preview room, check and upload their presentation file by the day before their presentation day or at least 4 hours before the session begins.
Please refer to the following instructions.
- Authors should bring the presentation file in a USB memory stick to the preview room to upload onto the common storage device.
- Please use only basic fonts for your presentation (e.g. Arial, Time New Roman), as usage of unusual fonts may not be displayed properly. If you must have special fonts on your slide files, please bring the font file as well.
- Technical staff will be available to assist you in uploading and testing your presentation file. No one other than the presenters will have access to the presentation file once it is loaded into the preview system.
- If you do not visit the preview room before your presentation for any urgent reason, you will be responsible for loading your file onto the PC in the session room directly.
- You will be able to find the room sign(s) on-site.
Audio/Visual Guidelines
Each session room will be equipped with an LCD projector, and a computer running Windows 7 and PowerPoint 2013 for your presentation. We recommend you to prepare the presentation slide with 4:3 aspect of ratio. If you must inevitably use your own laptop, you should bring it to the session room at least 60 minutes before the session begins and notify the secretariat by August 30, 2019.
※ If you use a Macintosh with our beam projector, we ask to bring your Mac VGA Gender Changer.
Poster Presentation
Each presentation will be given 10 minutes. Presenters will share their perspectives and recent advancements with the displayed posters for 7 minutes. Additionally, participants can have 3 minutes question and answer discussions with panels and poster presenters. Selected posters from all abstract categories will be included. These discussions will take place on Friday and Saturday in the Poster Hall. The presentation will be reviewed with 1 chairperson and 3 panels.
The presentation should be in English, which is the official language of the ICoLA 2019.
Poster Panel
- - Poster Panels are 250cm height, 100cm width.
- - Paper size should be A0 (W 84.1 cm x H 118.9 cm).

Schedule for Affixation & Removal
Date |
Friday, September 6 - Saturday, September 7, 2 days |
Place |
Poster Hall (6F, Conrad Hotel Seoul) |
Affixation |
Thursday, September 5 16:00 ~ 20:00
Friday, September 6 08:00 ~ 10:00
Removal |
Saturday, September 7 17:00 ~ 18:00 |
- - All presenters are requested to affix and remove posters on the appropriate dates and time as indicated.
- - Each poster will be provided with one (1) panel.
- - Posters should be readable by viewers from 1.5 meter away. The poster title, author(s)'s name(s) and affiliation(s) should appear on the top. The message should be clear and understandable without oral explanation.
- - Posters show the main content or the main results of the research
- - 3M Double-sided tapes and adhesive tapes will be available to attach your poster to the panel. (The tapes will be provided at the staff desk)
- - All presenters should remove posters on the Removal time. If not, posters will be removed by staffs without notice and the organizing committee will not take responsibilities for any damages or losses of posters.
Poster Printing Service
It is recommended for poster authors to use a printing services in Korea due to possible difficulties of printing and carrying the posters. You can have your poster professionally printed, reviewed and shipped directly to the poster hall. The complete printing with matte paper, packing and delivery service will cost $39. The cost depends on the material type.
For detailed information, please visit the website at
Poster printing Order
Poster Panel
- - Poster Panels are 250cm height, 100cm width.
- - Paper size should be A0 (W 84.1 cm x H 118.9 cm).
Schedule for Affixation & Removal
Date |
Friday, September 6 - Saturday, September 7, 2 days |
Place |
Poster Hall (6F, Conrad Hotel Seoul) |
Affixation |
Thursday, September 5 16:00 ~ 20:00
Friday, September 6 08:00 ~ 10:00
Removal |
Saturday, September 7 17:00 ~ 18:00 |
- - All presenters are requested to affix and remove posters on the appropriate dates and time as indicated.
- - Each poster will be provided with one (1) panel.
- - Posters should be readable by viewers from 1.5 meter away. The poster title, author(s)'s name(s) and affiliation(s) should appear on the top. The message should be clear and understandable without oral explanation.
- - Posters show the main content or the main results of the research
- - 3M Double-sided tapes and adhesive tapes will be available to attach your poster to the panel. (The tapes will be provided at the staff desk)
- - All presenters should remove posters on the Removal time. If not, posters will be removed by staffs without notice and the organizing committee will not take responsibilities for any damages or losses of posters.
Poster Printing Service
It is recommended for poster authors to use a printing services in Korea due to possible difficulties of printing and carrying the posters. You can have your poster professionally printed, reviewed and shipped directly to the poster hall. The complete printing with matte paper, packing and delivery service will cost $39. The cost depends on the material type.
For detailed information, please visit the website at
Poster printing Order